Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer #BlogChallenge #34 Free to write what I want!

Going Green with the Grizls

For the 4th of July (day #34) we are free to write about whatever we want!  So since I have maybe mentioned it once or twice, but not actually done a blog post about it, I will write about our upcoming move!

Yep, you read that right we are North Carolina, from California!  Cross.Country.  When we move, we do it big LOL.

My husband is from Tennessee, he moved from Tennessee to Washington to be with me when I was in the Navy.  He has wanted to go back east for a while now.  The opportunity finally came up and we jumped at it.  he is getting a transfer with the company he works for.  The current controller in North Carolina is retiring.

My husband is of course happy to be closer to his family.  We are both excited that it is a lower cost of living area (and edited about lower gas prices for the car!!!).  I am of course excited about the prospect of double coupons when I shop, and maybe...just maybe, a basement for my stockpile!!  My older 2 kids are happy that they will be 18 hours closer to their Dad and Bonus Mom.  So lots of pluses!

Right now, all we know is that we are moving, and it will be in late summer, that is it.  We don't even know when we are going house hunting yet.  Hopefully we find out something soon.  

So now you all know about our upcoming move 8)

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